What is Jungian Analysis?

In Jungian Analysis we apply Jung’s notion of Analytical Psychology to the process of psychotherapy by adopting a “symbolic attitude” towards our life experiences. This means we consider how our life experiences can be understood symbolically as acts that contain or express a deeper psychological meaning. We also give consideration to what is happening on an unconscious level—both in the personal unconscious, where personal complexes reside, as well as in the collective unconscious, where ancient mythology, archetypal patterns and synchronicities can be registered to bring enhanced understanding to our life’s meaning and our personal story.

In Jungian Analysis, we pay attention to the hidden forces that operate underneath the surface of our lives and influence who we have been and who we may become. In sessions, we engage in dream work, imaginative play, expressive arts or by following our creative impulses to come to understand our nature more fully. We are playful with what emerges and become curious while suspending judgment in the process.

Attuning to our deep feelings, longings or what’s missing in our lives is a rich portal into this work. We consider where we feel called to invest new energies in our lives, as we listen closely to our soul’s desire, dreams and the unconscious for guidance. Often feelings of conflict can emerge as we reflect on the prescribed roles or adaptive patterns we have been conditioned to follow all our lives. The struggle to become who we are authentically is the creative lifework of Individuation. Jungian Analysis helps guide the process.

“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.”

Carl Jung

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